Wednesday 12 November 2014

Dabbling in organic this week?

Hi All,

This week I am trying organic produce!

The past two weeks have been very hectic with appointments for Charlie. We are now almost at the end of our tests for the transplant work up. This was a big job that has taken all of our energy.

So I'm  back in possession of a clear mind and ready to get back to my healthy ways.

So while waiting around last week and in-between appointments I was searching on a convenient way to eat organic fruits and veggies without the hassle of going to the markets over the weekend to shop for it. I know this may sound lazy but with everything going on I need convenience at least in this area of my life.

I was pleasantly surprised when I entered "organic delivery Melbourne" in my search engine. The options listed were fantastic. From Organic produce to Meat to eggs, the list goes, all delivered right to my door step.

After reviewing all the different suppliers I decided to go with Organic Angels.

The reason I chose them is because:

  • they didn't required a monthly delivery subscription
  • they had a list on their website of what type of veggies to expect in the box, 
  • you could add extras
  • and the delivery was going to be on Monday (perfect motivation for the start of the week)
My purchase was:
  1. Medium Mixed Box
  2. 12 Organic free range eggs
  3. Organic Strawberries 
  4. Organic Tomatoes
Total price (inc. delivery) $94

Note: to self, next time order an extra $10 worth of food for free delivery. 

I justify the price in my head with the fact that I haven't done any other shopping this week and intend to eat the fruits and veggies all week. Since it's organic it won't last long in the fridge so I'll have to give it a decent go.

Shortly after I finish I receive an e-mail advising me that the delivery will arrive between 2 and 4 pm on Monday.

Here is what arrived as promised at 2:30 pm:

First Impressions

  • The box can be folded and left at the front door so they re-use on future deliveries
  • The box had a really nice mix of fruits and vegetables, nothing too exotic that I didn't know how to cook
  • The leafy vegetables had a few bite holes on them, which didn't bother me as I feel that if bugs can eat it then it must be good ;)
  • My staple fruits were not in the box this week (lemons, apples)

This week I will try to cook up all my veggies and see what is left over at the end of the week. My intention is to try and eat mainly the fruits and veggies and so reduce my processed food intake. 

Next week I'll write my full review on my experience and if I am going to get another order. 

So stay tuned.


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